
ABS and Aluminium inclinometer pipes

These are used as a guiding tube for the inclinometer probe in the detection and monitoring of landslides, dams, unstable slopes and containment structures. They are used in all cases where it is essential to detect a lateral displacement caused by cuts or ground instability.

The 3 metre long bars, are coupled by means of sleeves fixed with rivets and are provided with head and bottom plugs.
The ABS inclinometer tubes are particularly suitable for sites with a strong presence of corrosive agents and in soils with a possible presence of stray currents.

Aluminium (series)6080
outer diameter + OD guides (mm)5887
inner diameter + ID guides (mm)4979
interaxis guides (mm)5483
thickness (mm)22
overall dimensions of the sleeve (mm)62,692
ABS (series)607085
outer diameter + OD guides (mm)607085
inner diameter + ID guides (mm)506072,5
interaxis guides (mm)536385,5
thickness (mm)3,53,54
overall dimensions of the sleeve (mm)677791,5

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Accessories for geotechnics


GTSABS and Aluminium inclinometer pipes
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Casagrande Cells

The Casagrande cell piezometer is generally installed in medium and high permeability soils (> 10-5 cm / s) for the control of stratum tendency. The porous cell consists of a polyethylene (PE) filtering element to allow water to permeate and ascend the connected pipeline, to take groundwater measurements such as elevation detection by level probe or multi-parameter probe. An auxiliary tube is inserted to allow for washing and purging.

Length 250mm – Ø55 mm

G1/2 attachments

Accessory: eccentric reduction G1”/G1”1/4 x G1/2

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Accessories for geotechnics


GTSCasagrande Cells
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